Buy cowpea Seeds Online from Shashi n Gautam WebShop
Cowpea seeds also known as Lobia seeds in Hind is easy to grow vegetable from bean family.
Cowpea / lobia Kitchen Garden seeds pack online
Kitchen Garden Cowpea Seeds Pack Price – Rs39/- 15 Seeds
- Plant type – tall and bushy.
- Ideal Growing temperature 18 to 32°C.
- Plant lifespan 3 months.
- Pot size 10 inches or more.
- Minimum 4 hour of sunlight.
- Long, thick, round and light green beans..
- Fleshy and string less beans suitable for human consumption.
How to grow Lobia plant from Cowpea Seeds?
- Can be grown in pot and in ground.
- Seeds can be directly sowed or its saplings can be transplanted.
- Use soil with lot of organic matter like vermicompost / Compost / Kitchen Compost.
- Check soil for good drainage.
- Add Seaweed Fertilizer once sapling develop true leaves and at time of flowering.
- Spray Chelated Micronutrients and or All In One Plant Tonic at time of transplant and flowering.
- in ideal growing condition, first harvest can be expected in 45 days.
Cowpea plant disease and its control
Cowpea plant can get infected with bacterial, viral and fungal disease like Bacterial Blight,Cowpea Mosaic and Powdery mildew.
It also suffer from pest infestation like Caterpilar and Aphids.
Spray Neem Oil every week to keep plant healthy and disease free.
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